Heart Song
Evelyn Whitebear, BSc.(Hons)
Spiritual Medium & Channeller
Heart Song
What's On
Thursday 4th - Mediumship Circle 7pm £7
Thursday 10th - Channelling Group 7pm £7
Sunday 14th - Evelyn - Reiki Masters Tuition 11am
Sunday 28th - Archangel Michael Attunements 11am - 1pm
Saturday 3rd - Mitch Garlington - Tarot & Mediumship Readings - 30 mins £35
Sunday 4th - Evelyn - Sound Bath 11am-12.15 £12
Sunday 11th - Avebury Spirirual & Psychic Fayre
Sunday 18th - Evelyn - Beginners Tarot Wokshop
Saturday 24th - Debs Tye-Duck - Beginners Mediumship Workshop
Sunday 25th - Evelyn - Archangel Michael Attunements​​​​​​​
Sunday 8th - Debs Tye-Duck - Mediumship Readings
Sunday 15th - Evelyn - Sound Bath 11am-12.15 £12
Sunday 22nd - Avebury Spiritual & Psychic Fayre​
Saturday 28th - Mitch Garlington - Tarot & Mediumship Readings​
Sunday 29th - Evelyn - Violet Flame Workshop
Sunday 6th - Evelyn - Reiki I workshop 10.30-4.50pm
Sunday 13th Evelyn - Golden Ray Initiation & workshop
Saturday 19th - Mitch Garlington - Tarot & Mediumship Readings
Groups and Circles
Thursday evening 7pm
Mediumship Circle: July 4th, 18th August 1st, 15th, 29th September 12th, 26th
Channelling Group: July 11th, 25th August 8th, 22nd September 5th, 19th
To book please phone or email Heart Song, or message via facebook
Tel: 07720 608008 evelyn.hearsong@gmail.com Heart Song Gems