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Heart Song 

Spiritual Malas

Malas, or prayer beads, are powerful tools that can help to
enhance and deepen your meditation practice

Mala beads are an effective tool to help deepen ones spiritual practice, but you don't need be religious to use them, you will still be able to appreciate the benefits of using them to help with meditation and personal development.


Mala Beads consist of 108 beads made from seeds, wood, gemstones, or other materials on a cord. There is a larger bead on the end, called the Meru bead, that holds all the energy of your prayers.


The Origins and History of Mala Beads


The origin of Malas beads lie in Indian traditions from around 3000 years ago. They were used in spiritual practice and rituals to help users gain enlightenment. These practices continue to this day. This practice has spread into different cultures, and Catholics have their own version in the form of prayer beads, which consist 0f 54 beads, half the amount of mala beads. The Mala is used mainly in Hinduism and Buddhism, and are also known as Buddhist prayer beads, and are an important tool for counting breaths and mantras during prayer and meditation.


There are 108 beads in a mala, and one larger Meru Bead. In traditional malas the guru stone is included in the 108 beads, but now as the guru bead has become larger, this is often additional to the 108 beads. 108 is an important sacred number in both Buddhism and Hinduism. It is believed that there are 108 energy lines in the body that connect the heart chakra with the Divine. Mala beads can also be made with 54 or 27 beads, which is some instances may be more practical than a full strand of 108.


Below are a selection of Spiritual Mala Beads made by myself in a variety of gemstones and colours. Each one is individual in design, made with prayer , love & Reiki. Bespoke Spiritual Malas can also be made to order if you would like something even more personal, or in a specific colour or gemstone. Contact Evelyn for more information at 



Aura Rose Quartz & Opalite £90 

Pink Gemstones – 4th , Heart Chakra

Physical:          Aids circulation.

Emotional:      Calming. Heals the heart of grief and painful emotions.


White Gemstones – 7th, Crown Chakra

Emotional:        Balancing, brings emotional stability.

Spiritual:           Promotes clairvoyance, inner vision, inner wisdom, intuition.



Calming, loving, reassuring, this gemstone heals wounded hearts and heals on a deep inner level. Teaches self-love, and brings unconditional love. Soothes blisters and burns and is good for the heart and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Balances hormones during puberty.



A subtle yet highly energetic stone, Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. Opalite helps during transitions of all kinds, it encourages persistence and gives us strength in verbalising hidden feelings. It is believed to alleviate depression, settle frayed nerves and anxiety. It brings inner peace, encourages a sense of calm in any situation and encourages us to stay young at heart



Aquamarine and Lapis Lazuli £75  SOLD

Turquoise Gemstones – Thymus Chakra


Physical:           Stimulates immune system

Emotional:       Heals heartache.

Mental:             Improves communication and problem solving.

Spiritual:           Brings inner calm and peace.


Indigo Gemstones – 6th, Third Eye, Brow Chakra

Physical:            Skeletal system. Cooling, purifying and relieve pain.

Mental:             Nervous and mental disorders.

Spiritual:           Protect the auric field. Encourage inner sight and perception.



Calming yet uplifting, encourages openness, light-heartedness, creativity, communication, self-awareness, confidence and purpose. Good for the heart, immune system, thymus, lymphnodes, mouth and ears. Releases anxiety, fear, restlessness, and brings peace. Helps breathing, allergies and gives protection.



Used in meditation it will open the third eye bringing higher guidance, intuition, connection to higher self, clear decisions the for good of all. Organises and quiets the mind. Encourages self-expression, writing, creativity, dream insight. Helps relieve anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, autism and shyness. Stimulates the nervous system and helps with MS (Multiple Sclerosis), speech, hearing, pituitary gland, DNA, lymphatic system, inflamation, pain (especially head) and brings protection.

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Lavender Jade and Rose Quartz with Morganite Meru Bead £80

Pink Gemstones – 4th , Heart Chakra

Physical:              Aids circulation.

Emotional:          Calming. Heals the heart of grief and painful emotions.


Purple Gemstones – 6th, Third Eye, Brow Chakra

Physical:              Purifies the blood. Relieves headaches and scalp problems.

Emotional:          Calming, brings peace.

Mental:                Increase creativity.

Spiritual:             Inspirational.



Improves health, wealth and longevity. Ancient Chinese used jade for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace and harmony. Good for the lungs, heart, thymus, immune system, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system. It has a gentle, steady energy.



Calming, loving, reassuring, this gemstone heals wounded hearts and heals on a deep inner level. Teaches self-love, and brings unconditional love. Soothes blisters and burns and is good for the heart and circulatory system. Increases fertility. Balances hormones during puberty.



Clears and activates the heart chakra. Excellent for healing the respiratory and nervous systems. Helps to oxygenate cells and improves asthma, emphysema, TB and other lung problems. Calms and removes stress, encouraging loving thoughts and actions. Attracts love.

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Aura Quartz, Lavender Jade with Morganite and Opalite marker beads and Morganite Meru bead. £80  SOLD

Clear Gemstones – Transpersonal Point

Physical:            Stimulates the immune system. General healing.

Emotional:        Purifies the heart.

Spiritual:           Expands awareness and consciousness.


Pink Gemstones – 4th , Heart Chakra

Physical:         Aids circulation.

Emotional:     Calming. Heals the heart of grief and painful emotions.



The most versatile healing stone. Amplifies energy, intensifies spiritual expansion and awareness, bringing enlightenment. Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues and fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. Works with all chakras, filling them and the auric body with light. Removes all negativity and protects from negative energy.



Improves health, wealth and longevity. Ancient Chinese used jade for courage, wisdom, justice, mercy, emotional balance, stamina, love, fidelity, humility, generosity, peace and harmony. Good for the lungs, heart, thymus, immune system, kidney and blood detoxification, nervous system. It has a gentle, steady energy.



Clears and activates the heart chakra. Excellent for healing the respiratory and nervous systems. Helps to oxygenate cells and improves asthma, emphysema, TB and other lung problems. Calms and removes stress, encouraging loving thoughts and actions. Attracts love.

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Lepidolite and Black Obsidian with Fluorite Heart Meru Bead £85

Black Gemstones – Earth Chakra

Physical:          Strengthens bones and teeth.

Emotional:      Clears negative energies and feelings.

Spiritual:         Grounding.


Purple Gemstones – 6th, Third Eye, Brow Chakra

Physical:          Purifies the blood. Relieves headaches and scalp problems.

Emotional:      Calming, brings peace.

Mental:            Increase creativity.

Spiritual:          Inspirational.



A protective and grounding stone. Absorbs and dissolves anger and fear. Converts dark energy to white light. Brings awareness of negative karma enabling one to clear and heal it. Changes fear into openness and flexibility. Obsidian spheres help us to see truths by initially amplifying beliefs, patterns and fears that blocking our growth.



Important healer. Balancing. Good for the spleen, bones, teeth, lungs, detoxification, anxiety and insomnia. Helps to clear the way for new things, uplifting, cleanses the aura, 3rd eye, eyesight, sinuses and repels colds.

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Amber and faceted Black Obsidian.

7mm and 8mm beads £90

Yellow Gemstones – 3rd Chakra, Solar Plexus

Physical:          Aids digestion, stimulates the nervous and lymphatic systems.

Emotional:      Uplifting, empowering.

Mental:            Mentally stimulating, clear thoughts and decisions.


Black Gemstones – Earth Chakra

Physical:        Strengthening bones and teeth.

Emotional:    Clears negative energies and feelings.

Spiritual:        Grounding.



Opens solar plexus chakra for mental clarity and confidence. Relieves stomach anxiety, and good for the spine, Central Nervous System, brain, memory loss, cell regeneration. Aligns mental and emotional bodies. Excellent for detoxification and protection from radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, and other peoples energies. Sacred use is burning as incense or worn particularly by Asians and Native Americans, and used in amulets for protection.



A protective and grounding stone. Absorbs and dissolves anger and fear. Converts dark energy to white light. Brings awareness of negative karma enabling one to clear and heal it. Changes fear into openness and flexibility. Obsidian spheres help us to see truths by initially amplifying beliefs, patterns and fears that blocking our growth.

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Green Dyed Agate and Healerite, with Black Obsidian Marker beads and Moss Agate Meru Bead. £75  SOLD

Green Gemstones – 4th , Heart Chakra

Physical:         Improves circulation, relaxes the heart, boosts immune system.

Emotional:     Brings sympathy and compassion, heals heartache.

Spiritual:        Spiritual wealth and growth.


Black Gemstones – Earth Chakra

Physical:        Strengthening with Crystals & Gemstones bones and teeth.

Emotional:    Clears negative energies and feelings.

Spiritual:        Grounding.



A protective and grounding stone. Absorbs and dissolves anger and fear. Converts dark energy to white light. Brings awareness of negative karma enabling one to clear and heal it. Changes fear into openness and flexibility. Obsidian spheres help us to see truths by initially amplifying beliefs, patterns and fears that blocking our growth.


Healerite is a form of lime green serpentine. It's energy flows into us through our meridians to increase our life force energy, chi or ki, our inner energy and vitality. It can balance emotions, and calm frayed nerves. Healerite can bring feelings of expansiveness, connection, unity, and joy, and can assist you with past issues and old wounds that still affect you in the present. It can harmonise your cellular structure and support healing processes in all areas - physical, emotional, and spiritual. Healerite energises the Solar Plexus and Heart chakras.

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Amber and Black Obsidian Mala, 8mm beads  £95

Yellow Gemstones – 3rd Chakra, Solar Plexus

Physical:          Aids digestion, stimulates the nervous and lymphatic systems.

Emotional:      Uplifting, empowering.

Mental:            Mentally stimulating, clear thoughts and decisions.


Black Gemstones – Earth Chakra

Physical:         Strengthens bones and teeth.

Emotional:     Clears negative energies and feelings.

Spiritual:         Grounding.



Opens solar plexus chakra for mental clarity and confidence. Relieves stomach anxiety, and good for the spine, Central Nervous System, brain, memory loss, cell regeneration. Aligns mental and emotional bodies. Excellent for detoxification and protection from radiation, especially x-rays, sun, computers, and other peoples energies. Sacred use is burning as incense or worn particularly by Asians and Native Americans, and used in amulets for protection.



A protective and grounding stone. Absorbs and dissolves anger and fear. Converts dark energy to white light. Brings awareness of negative karma enabling one to clear and heal it. Changes fear into openness and flexibility. Obsidian spheres help us to see truths by initially amplifying beliefs, patterns and fears that blocking our growth.

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Graphic Feldspar and Healerite Mala with Morganite Meru Bead. 8mm beads  £85

Brown Gemstones – Feet, Grounding Chakras

Emotional:          Balances left and right brain to ease depression.

Spiritual:             Grounding and protecting. Removes blockages.


Green Gemstones – 4th , Heart Chakra

Physical:              Improves circulation, relaxes the heart, boosts immune system.

Emotional:          Brings sympathy and compassion, heals heartache.

Spiritual:             Spiritual wealth and growth.



A stone that helps to align our chakras, subtle bodies and meridians. It helps with the alignment of our spine and helps to strengthen teeth, skin and muscle. It can help with disorders of the lungs and general disorders of the hands. It can help us learn how to trust people again, overcome tragedy and dispel anger. Graphic Feldspar can help us feel more lively, pleasant, polite and refined. It can help us to reach our life goals with new, exciting and different methods, from those we would normally take. Graphic Feldspar can stimulate our psychic abilities, can help us to access the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians, and can also help us to make contact with intergalactic intelligences.



Healerite is a form of lime green serpentine. It's energy flows into us through our meridians to increase our life force energy, chi or ki, our inner energy and vitality. It can balance emotions, and calm frayed nerves. Healerite can bring feelings of expansiveness, connection, unity, and joy, and can assist you with past issues and old wounds that still affect you in the present. It can harmonise your cellular structure and support healing processes in all areas - physical, emotional, and spiritual. Healerite energises the Solar Plexus and Heart chakras.


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Red Dyed Agate, Pink Dyed Jasper with purple glass marker beads

Made with 6mm beads £50

Pink Gemstones – 4th , Heart Chakra

Physical:         Aids circulation.

Emotional:     Calming. Heals the heart of grief and painful emotions.


Red Gemstones – 1st , Base or Root Chakra

Physical:        Warming, stimulating and energising. Good with muscular problems,

                       anaemia, infertility, paralysis, aches and pains in the limbs and the lower back.

Emotional:     Provides strength and courage and relieve depression.

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Blue Dyed Howlite and Malachite. 6mm beads £50

Turquoise Gemstones – Thymus Chakra

Physical:           Stimulates immune system

Emotional:       Heals heartache.

Mental:             Improves communication and problem solving.

Spiritual:          Brings inner calm and peace.


Green Gemstones – 4th , Heart Chakra

Physical:           Improves circulation, relaxes the heart, boosts immune system.

Emotional:       Brings sympathy and compassion, heals heartache.

Spiritual:           Spiritual wealth and growth.



Good for stomach, liver, kidney stones, lungs, immune system, radiation, MS, circulation. Powerful gemstone, should only be used for a few minutes at a time. It releases and draws out pain, inflammation, depression and anger. Protects well by powerfully cleaning the auric field, rapidly absorbing undesirable energies, including: computer, TV, and other radiation. It should be cleaned very frequently.

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Clear Quartz and Rose Quartz with Morganite Meru bead. 

This mala has spacer beads instead of knots. £70

Clear Gemstones – Transpersonal Point

Physical:            Stimulates the immune system. General healing.

Emotional:        Purifies the heart.

Spiritual:           Expands awareness and consciousness.


Pink Gemstones – 4th , Heart Chakra

Physical:            Aids circulation.

Emotional:        Calming. Heals the heart of grief and painful emotions.



The most versatile healing stone. Amplifies energy, intensifies spiritual expansion and awareness, bringing enlightenment. Stimulates natural crystals in body tissues and fluids to resonate at new healing frequency. Works with all chakras, filling them and the auric body with light. Removes all negativity and protects from negative energy.


Calming, loving, reassuring, this gemstone heals wounded hearts and heals on a deep inner level. Teaches self-love, and brings unconditional love. Soothes blisters and burns and is good for the heart and circulatory syatem. Increases fertility. Balances hormones during puberty.



Clears and activates the heart chakra. Excellent for healing the respiratory and nervous systems. Helps to oxygenate cells and improves asthma, emphysema, TB and other lung problems. Calms and removes stress, encouraging loving thoughts and actions. Attracts love.

Personal Mala Beads


If you are drawn to a specific gemstone or colour you will find it easier to create a deeper connection to your Mala beads. You may be drawn to gemstone beads, or more natural beads made from seeds or wood.

Different stones have their own properties and energies to help you achieve various states and will work in harmony with your own energy, helping to enhance your spiritual practice. 

It is important to take your time when choosing the perfect Mala for your needs, but you will know it's the right one on seeing it.  



Which is the Right Color for You?


Color plays an important role in the choice of your Mala beads.


Black is the colour for protection. 


Brown has connections to nature and the earth and is a great colour for grounding and stability. It is associated with the Earth Star Chakra to help us feel nurtured and loved. 


Red is considered a lucky color that symbolises power, and will help to build confidence. It is related to the Bas Chakra so will encourage grounding as well as bringing passion into your life. 


Orange is the colour of creativity and the birthing of new ideas. Related to the Sacral Chakra it is nurturing and helps one to become more creative and productive.


Yellow encourages creativity and can bring a clarity of mind. Yellow relates to the Solar Plexus which brings the energy of the sun. It brings inspiration and encourages self-expression.


Green also relates to nature, but also to the heart chakra. It encourages personal growth and development. 


Turquoise brings healing on all levels and is both grounding and enlightening. Associated with the Thymus Chakra, or Higher Heart Chakra, this colour encourages self-love on a higher level, and can help with the perfect functioning of the physical body.


Blue is brings peace and relaxation and can balance the emotions. Lighter blues relate to the Throat chakra so can help with communication, and dark blues relate to the Third Eye Chakra, which can help with psychic vision.


Purple is one of the most spiritual colors and connects one to the realm of sleep and unconscious states. Purple relates to the Third eye and the Crown Chakra and can help to open psychic channels and spiritual connections. 


Pink represents peace, love and compassion. Pink is also connected to the Heart Chakra and encourages healing through self-love and forgiveness.


White represents purity and connections with the Divine Energies. It is related to the Crown Chakra and can help to receive clear messages and downloads from the Higher Realms.


Clear represents clarity and also connections with Divine Energies and Higher frequencies. It is associated with the Soul Star Chakra to bring us stronger connections with our Higher Selves and Krishna or Christ Consciousness. 




How to Use Mala Beads


When using your beads for spiritual practice it is always best to hold them in your hands. If simply meditating you can wear them around your neck, but for prayers and mantras they should be held. Begin with one of the beads closest to the larger Guru bead, holding it in your fingers as you say your first mantra or prayer. Now move your fingers along to the next bead and repeat your mantra again. Do this for all the beads in turn on your Mala until you come full circle back to your Guru bead, and 108 mantras or prayers have been recited. The Guru bead holds all the energy of your prayers, and in time becomes very powerful. You can chant the mantra out loud or internally if you prefer. This has just as much power as the spoken mantra, however the vibration created from speaking your mantra aids your meditation as it helps to alter your brain waves to encourage a meditative state.

Alternatively, you may not yet feel comfortable or proficient at reciting mantras, so you can use one bead for every breath you take during your meditation. This will help you to focus on your breathing, helping you to attain a relaxed meditative state of mind.




My journey With Mala Prayer Beads


I began my journey with Spiritual Malas around 20 years ago, through my Tibetan Bon Po spiritual practice. Using Malas for prayer by reciting mantras is a large part of the spiritual practice. 


My first mala was gifted to me by a Buddhist from Nepal, but shortly after I decided to make my own, so that it was more meaningful in my spiritual practice. I made a rose quartz and lotus seed mala for my main spiritual practice, and a smaller mala in blue goldstone, moonstone (opalite) and lapis lazuli, both of which I still use today. From there I began to make malas for my friends too. At first I made the malas with the traditional sliding abacus style, but then progressed onto knotting as this made for a more attractive mala. I take great pride and pleasure in creating beautiful Spiritual Malas for others. 


If you are interested in having a Spiritual Mala made personally for you, please email me for more information:

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Heart Song website © E. Whitebear, 2016.

Photographs stock photos or © E. Whitebear

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Please Like & follow our facebook page for regular updates, events listings and weekly mini Tarot Card readings.

Heart Song website © E. Whitebear, 2016.

Photographs stock photos or © E. Whitebear

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