Heart Song

Evelyn Whitebear, BSc.(Hons)
Spiritual Medium & Channeller
A little about Heart Song

Heart Song was created in 2004, but was previously known as Bear Spirit, which was originally founded by Evelyn in 1998. Originally Bear Spirit focussed mainly on Shamanic Crafts and Shamanic Healing but after studying Sound Therapy in 2003, Evelyn thought the time was right for a change of name and Heart Song was born. Evelyns' channelling circle developed into a circle of Priestesses after the four members where anointed by Isis. At this time the Temple was known as the Stella Maris Temple of Light.

Evelyn Whitebear, BSc(Hons)
Dip.Sound(BAST), FMANF, DHP, RL.SPD, Reiki Master
I am a Spiritual Medium, Shamanic Practitioner, Sound Therapist, Lightworker and Priestess, who works with the energies of both the human spirit & the spirit of the land. My spiritual path began more than 48 years ago when she was initiated into Transcendental Meditation.
Love of nature as a child provided a deep connection with the Earth, and an understanding of seasonal changes & lunar cycles. My interest in esoteric arts and shamanism developed naturally throughout my life.
Over the years I have studied Art and Ceramics at college, and Biology & Ecology at University. I also studied Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy, Crystal Healing, Reiki, Shamanic Healing, Sound Therapy, Channelling, Mediumship & Tarot, Soul Realignment & Animal Communication.
I have been a Reiki Master for 25 years, and Golden Ray Healer for 20, and have practiced various healing methods for over 29 years. I have taught various esoteric and spiritual subjects internationally, helping people awaken their spiritual gifts and recognise their life purpose.
I am also a Wildlife Artist and a Spiritual & Psychic Artist, and have spent many years as a Tattoo Artist.
I am a Priestess of Isis (goddess Aset), and an ordained minister of the Church of the Seven Planes. I have been a spiritual channel for 27 years, and honoured to be a channel for the Archangels & Ascended Masters, the Gods & Goddesses of various world faiths, and the I Am Presence.
As a Priestess of Isis, I was guided with other Priestesses to perform various ceremonies to cleanse and bless the Earth, and to help activate the Earths crystalline grid. Ceremonies have been carried out at Avebury, Stonehenge, Silbury Hill, West Kennet Long Barrow, Devil's Den, Chalice Wells in Glastonbury, various sites in Cornwall, and the Great Pyramid of Giza. This was particularly fabulous as the spirits cleared all visitors out of the Kings chamber for 20 minutes while we carried out the ceremony! This photo was taken an hour before the ceremony, and already I'm channelling light - spirit was preparing me! There is also a pixie sitting behind me on the left of the photo!